Digital Storytelling Video

My Trip To Greensboro, NC from Katelyn Ierardi on Vimeo.

Hi this is Katie Ierardi. Welcome to my video about my trip to Greensboro North Carolina.

On April 29 2016 which was my sophomore year of high school my track relay team for the 800 sprint medley relay beat the school record and also qualified for nationals which would take place later that year in North Carolina.

We practiced for about a month and a half and on June 16 my mom and I packed up our bags and headed to the airport but when we got there our flight was delayed.

After a little while we took off and made our way from Connecticut to Virginia where we faced our first problem of the trip. We missed our connecting flight to North Carolina.

My mom and I walked up to a lady at the service desk and asked her when the next available flight to Greensboro was. She said it wasn’t until tomorrow morning which we weren’t too happy about because I was supposed to be practicing the next morning but it was all we could do. My mom asked if they would pay for the hotel since it was their fault we missed our flight. The lady said they couldn’t do that since it was due to mechanical reasons rather than weather.

My mom really didn’t like this and said how she really didn’t want to pay for another hotel and the lady responded by saying that we could sleep in the airport. This really made my mom mad so we left before it escalated even more.

We decided to go to the rental car desk and we asked if we could get a car there and cancel the one we had waiting in for us in North Carolina. Problem number three. We had to pay for a whole new car. Long story short, my mom explained everything else that had already gone wrong that day so the manager came over and he felt bad for us so he cancelled our car in North Carolina and gave us a discount on the one we were getting in Virginia.

Finally we left the airport and as soon as we got onto the highway we were completely stopped in traffic because we were in Washington D.C. at 5 o’clock.

After a couple hours we actually started moving and all of a sudden my mom noticed our car was smoking. She quickly pulled over on the highway. We got out and called a tow truck and it felt like they took forever but eventually they came and brought us back to the airport to get us a new car.

Eventually we got back onto the road and by this point there was no more traffic because it was so late. Then, it started to rain. And when I say rain, I mean absolutely down pour. I have never seen it rain harder in my entire life. All the cars on the highway put on their hazard lights and we were going probably around 10 miles per hour. My mom was absolutely terrified and she had to pull over a couple times because she couldn’t even see a foot in front of her.

I decided to call my dad and he looked at our location and looked at the radar on his phone and he was like yeah you guys are right in the red center part of the storm. I was absolutely terrified and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I got an alert on my phone that there was a tornado nearby and I really thought I was going to see it any moment. It was so scary.

Finally by three o’clock we arrived at the hotel and although I had to be up for practice in four hours I was just happy that we finally got there.

That’s the end of my video about my crazy trip to Greensboro North Carolina. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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